Canine Lymphangiectasia (CIL) discussion

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I need some advice. I have a 10 year old toy fox terrier named Kenzie. She was the dog that would eat first and think later, loves her toys, loves everyone, loves loves loves! Since March that loving dog has left. I am at my wits end. Several procedures and 10k later we have a dog that is withering away and on a feeding tube. Diagnosis of severe IBD and lymphangectasia. Ive consulted the nutritionist at Cornell and even his recommendations of ground beef and quinoa were devastating. She has been tolerating the Royal Canin PV for awhile now but last few days we are back to the severe diarrhea. In her feeding tube we put a formula called Vivonex. Been doing that for 2 weeks with canned food by mouth and exclusively Vivonex for the past 24 hours and still diarrhea. At this point nothing is working, and Im ready to go out on a limb and try something else. She needs something new. I have a package of the Preference but scared to try it as she is already battling severe diarrhea right now. I wouldnt even know what protein to try. HELP? What would you do? What have you seen work for others when their dog is in this bad of shape? She is on Budesonide, Furosemide, Azathioprine and Pepcid.
Hi, there. I'm so sorry to hear Kenzie is having a difficult time. When my Chinese Crested Diva gets diarrhea from the CIL, I give her white rice and pumpkin. This helps to get her solid again. Anything with fat in it may cause a diarrhea reaction. CIL dogs cannot tolerate any fat. I would think ground beef would be loaded with fat. Zero fat tuna works really well for my dog. Wishing you and Kenzie all the best.
Diva's Mom