Canine Lymphangiectasia (CIL) discussion

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My 7 year old Maltese boy was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago and I swear I've been in the Vets office every week since because I'm scared. A month ago he was the happiest, most affectionate and playful dog ever and all of the sudden he could not jump on the bed. I went to pick him up and his stomach was bloated. I thought he may be constipated so I fed him pumpkin. On Monday we were at the vet. They did blood work, took a sample of the fluid...and came back with PLE. He is not a surgical candidate due to risk of healing problems, so we can't determine what the exact diagnosis is. He is on all the usual meds and HA foods...He was drained Saturday so he has some relief. Also getting B12 injections. They keep telling me these won't work over night. Its hard to get encouraged on his good days only to get discouraged all over again. We are switching some meds around to try something new. Praying for my baby.
Sending lots of love to you both. It can be very scary in the beginning. My little guy started up in Oct with what they thought was pancreatitis but it came back in Dec and that's when they diagnosed lympghanestecia. He was doing amazing for about 3.5 months till I wheened him off some meds because I thought he was doing so well and didn't want him on them - biggest mistake ever. My best advise is to find a specialist and do exactly as they say. His symptoms started to flare up last week. We took him in to the vet again and yesterday a specialist. It's seriously so heart breaking when we are willing to do anything in the world to help but are so lost. Keep staying strong and you guys will fight this!! Be strict with the diet and meds. Xoxo - Neena and Sox
Hi, it's me again. The same thing happen to me. I took Ernie off of his prednisone and he relapsed. And the relapse was awful. It wasn't until we switched to Royal canin gastrointestinal low-fat that I started to see some progress. I'm HAPPY to report Ernie is doing phenomenal! He's driving me crazy... wants a play ball all the time and I love it!

It does take a lot of patience and perseverance, but being on this site is definitely a step in the right direction.