Canine Lymphangiectasia (CIL) discussion

Full Version: Hello from Q and Courtney
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Hi all! Excited to have a forum to share knowledge and have others who understand what we are going through.

Q was diagnosed with PLE, Lymphangiectasia and IBD 13 months ago. It seemed to be under control for awhile, and the last couple months have been a severe downhill. I'm worried to say the very least, and hope that we can get back to being stable. I know this disease is a roller-coaster, and I'm willing to do anything and everything to help get Q back to being himself.

This probably isn't the right thread to go into everything, so I'll keep it short and you'll find me posting in other areas of the forum no doubt... although not tonight, since it's past 2am. 

Attached is a photo of Q, back when he was healthy and happy. My hopes are to get him back to smiling  Big Grin

Thanks in advance for your support and advice!